Your donation is fully tax-deductible.
EIN: 04-2674877
Cambridge Symphony Orchestra
P.O. Box 410002
Cambridge, MA 02141 -
Step 1
Please notify Erik Ryan with your intention to donate securities or mutual funds prior to initiating a transfer to the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra. Prior notification is critical to identifying your gift of securities or mutual funds, as donor information does NOT transmit through the DTC system. In your message, please include:
a. Donor Name
b. Share Quantity
c. Symbol
d. Financial InstitutionStep 2
Our brokerage account is held at Fidelity Depository Trust Company.
Broker instructions to deliver securities to our account are as follows:
Deliver To: Fidelity Investments
DTC: 0226
Account Number: Z29-854209
Account Name: Cambridge Symphony Orchestra, Inc.
Reference: Donor Name, YearPLEASE NOTE: Your donation will NOT be complete until you notify the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra of your intent to donate securities and until shares are received in the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra Fidelity Depository Trust Company brokerage account. The donor will be sent an official acknowledgement of the gift for tax purposes.
The Cambridge Symphony Orchestra Tax Identification [501(c)(3)] Number is 04-2674877.
Thank you for supporting the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra.
Email Kristen Dye to learn more about advertising in our concert programs.
Friend: All contributions up to $99
Supporter: $100-$249
Patron: $250-$499
Benefactor: $500-$999
Angel: $1,000-$1,999
Conductor’s Circle: $2,000 or more
Please send development related inquiries to: Wes Boudreau