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Click the logo to read The Sleepless Critic’s interview with Music Director Cynthia Woods about “Heroes and Angels,” March 17, 2018 at 4 pm at Kresge Auditorium.

Click the logo to read The Sleepless Critic’s interview with Music Director Cynthia Woods about “Heroes and Angels,” March 17, 2018 at 4 pm at Kresge Auditorium.

‘Art reflects the times we live in and the struggles we face as a society. I wanted to program something that reflected the struggles we face while adding historical context. Schwantner’s brilliant ‘New Morning for the World’ was a perfect choice.’”
— The Sleepless Critic quoting Music Director Cynthia Woods
‘They are bringing the dancers to us. We are bringing the music to them,’ Woods said. ‘I think we all see—because of funding and technology—that it’s very rare now, unless you go to the Boston Ballet, to see live music with dance, […] where 100 years ago, it happened all the time.’

Reinstating these collaborations is a shared goal among those involved in the production because of the profound energy that stems from artists finding inspiration in each other.”
— Lawrence Elizabeth Knox, 6/15/16, WBUR's The ARTery
Click the photo to read WBUR’s coverage of the CSO’s June 2016 performance of Stravinsky’s “The Firebird.”

Click the photo to read WBUR’s coverage of the CSO’s June 2016 performance of Stravinsky’s “The Firebird.”

The Cambridge Symphony, which is an all-volunteer orchestra, has proved itself in the past to be a unique ensemble for its class. Their concerts have featured difficult masterworks, including Mahler symphonies, in recent seasons. The orchestra plays well. Strong in every section, the ensemble is capable of fine corporate blend.”
— Aaron Keebaugh, 6/19/16, Boston Classical Review

Click the photo to read The Boston Musical Intelligencer’s review of the CSO’s June 2016 performance of Stravinsky’s “The Firebird.”

Click the photo to read The Boston Musical Intelligencer’s review of the CSO’s June 2016 performance of Stravinsky’s “The Firebird.”

Cheers to Woods and the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra for a […] ‘Firebird’ with nuanced hue, elevated gesture and multifaceted orchestration.”
— David Paterson, 6/19/16, Boston Musical Intelligencer
It was an object lesson in exquisite partnering, and [Roger] Creel was essential in making it appear effortless and emblematic of ecstasy. Kudos to the choreographer for envisioning how a position so fraught with peril could be turned into poetry.”
— 6/26/18, Critical Dance
Click the photo to read Critical Dance’s review of the CSO’s performance of Mendelssohn’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

Click the photo to read Critical Dance’s review of the CSO’s performance of Mendelssohn’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
